Virtual Mediation – Tips Program, Thursday June 25th

Anatomy of a Virtual Mediation Thursday, June 25th, exploring the power of virtual mediation, together with tips on how to effectively advocate in mediation and get the most from the process. Please join us! The ADR Committee of the Nassau County Bar Association is presenting a fantastic program on Thursday, June 25 at 12:30 [...]

Loving Day Anniversary

Dear Counsel, Do you remember briefing the Supreme Court case of Loving v. Virginia in law school? Well today, June 12th, is the 53rd anniversary of this heralded case. The back story of this matter is not only historical, but also fascinating. Please read the beautiful story of Richard and Mildred Loving here. I am still [...]

Bronx County Update – Phase 1

Dear Counsel, I hope this finds you, your families and your staff well. The Twelfth District - Bronx is to begin Phase 1 of the return to operations. Below is the Order from Administrative Judge Doris M. Gonzalez which outlines the details.

Tenth District Update

Dear Counsel, I hope this finds you, your families and your staff well. The Tenth District - Nassau is to being Phase 2 as of June 12th. Below is the Order from Administrative Judge Norman St. George which outlines the details.

Breaking News, New York State – Criminal Justice Reform

Dear Counsel, Finally, some good news. Just now, the New York State Senate passed the repeal of Civil Rights Law 50(a). We expect the Assembly will pass this historic reform at any moment. This bold action will expose police abuses and treat law enforcement officials like all other public servants. The repeal of 50(a) is [...]

Upstate Begins Phase 2

Dear Counsel, I hope this finds you, your families and your staff well. Courts in five judicial districts are to begin the second phase of the gradual return to in-person operations.  Below is the a from Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K Marks which explains further. You may also view the posted memo here. [...]

Per Diem Services Saves The Day!

Attorney Dilemma What do you do when you're about to hit your surf board in Hawaii and suddenly realize you have a court appearance date in New York County today that you forgot about? You're a solo practitioner who has finally taken a desperately needed vacation after a long difficult year and don't know [...]