Latest From Judge DiFiore

Dear Counsel, I hope this finds you, your families and your staff well. Judge DiFiore has posted her latest message, the video can be viewed here or the transcript of her message is below.

New York State Ethics Rule Update

Dear Counsel, I hope everyone had a meaningful and sunshine-filled Father's Day weekend. There are two recent ethical rule updates in New York: The New York court system’s administrative board has lifted the ban on law firms advertising their services under trade or domain names. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE Administrative Board Approves 'Humanitarian Exception' to NY [...]

Loving Day Anniversary

Dear Counsel, Do you remember briefing the Supreme Court case of Loving v. Virginia in law school? Well today, June 12th, is the 53rd anniversary of this heralded case. The back story of this matter is not only historical, but also fascinating. Please read the beautiful story of Richard and Mildred Loving here. I am still [...]

Bronx County Update – Phase 1

Dear Counsel, I hope this finds you, your families and your staff well. The Twelfth District - Bronx is to begin Phase 1 of the return to operations. Below is the Order from Administrative Judge Doris M. Gonzalez which outlines the details.